Exciting announcement: our Quality Certification successfully renewed for 2024!

We’re thrilled to share the fantastic news that we’ve once again achieved the renewal of...


Eres Relocation France is happy to announce that it has acquired the French Destination Services...

Launching ONYX, our EU Relocation Management Platform

Dear Clients, We are delighted to inform you that Eres Relocation Germany is currently in...

Our Commitment to Sustainable Development: New EcoVadis Score 2023-2024

Dear Clients, Partners, Colleagues, Friends, We are thrilled to present the results of our latest...

April Rental Market Newsletter

Thank you for staying tuned to our Rental Market Newsletter!  As you probably know, a...

Renewal of our ISO9001:2015 & EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus Certifications

Dear Clients, Partners, Colleagues & Friends, We are proud to announce that, this year again,...

October Rental Market Newsletter

Thank you for staying tuned to our Rental Market Newsletter!  As you probably know, a...

Our first Sustainability & CSR Newsletter

Dear Client, Partner, Colleague, Friend, Thank you for staying tuned to our communications. Please find...

Eres wins the EuRA & ARP award for « Best European DSP » 

Dear Client, Partner, Colleague, Friend, We are overjoyed and very honoured to announce that eres has been...

Everything you need to know about ETIAS

What is ETIAS? ETIAS stands for ‚European Travel Information and Authorization System‘. It is a...