Relocation Service

Unser deutschlandweit tätiges Eres Relocation Team garantiert ihren zuziehenden Mitarbeitern einen stressfreien Start am neuen Standort. Von der ersten Orientierung, über die Suche nach einer passenden Immobilie, dem Settling-In und den damit verbundenen, zeitraubenden Anmeldungen bei Behörden, Versorgungsunternehmen und Versicherungen bis hin zur Schul- oder Kitasuche für die Kinder – mit unserem Relocation Service entwickeln wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und kümmern uns um alles. So werden die Herausforderungen und der Stress beim Zuzug ihrer new hires minimiert, die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Produktivität erhöht und ein schnelleres Einleben in der neuen Umgebung garantiert.

Unsere Relocation Consultants beraten alle Beteiligten frühzeitig zum Prozessablauf inklusive Timeline, informieren welche Steps als nächste anstehen und welche erforderlichen Dokumente benötigt werden. Dabei steuert unser erfahrenes Consultant Team den gesamten Relocation & Immigration Prozess über unsere moderne, datenschutzkonforme IT Plattform Onyx.

Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Expertise!


Our Orientation Tour is about giving the expatriate an opportunity to visualize life in the new destination. It provides an in-depth perspective of the local residential areas, housing market, schools, cost of living, commute to work and other points of interest relative to the expatriate’s lifestyle.

Home finding
Home finding

Our goal is that your employees will love their new home right from the start. In addition, we advise at the briefing and organize everything to do with the search for a property that best suits individual customer needs and budgets. Closely oriented to the customer briefing, we create the viewing plan and always negotiate the best rental contract conditions for the benefit of your employees.

Home finding
School finding
School finding

For those moving with children, finding the right school is a top priority. Together with your employee and family, we explore all the options, lay out the process and then narrow down the choices so that his/her child(ren) are enrolled in the school that is the best choice for them.

School finding
Temporary accommodation
Temporary accommodation

While we are in the process of finding your employee’s permanent home we can help accommodate him/her in a short-term rental. This makes the home-finding process convenient and stress-free.

Temporary accommodation
Tenancy management
Tenancy Management

Arranging appointments and repairs with technicians, plumbers, and electricians is difficult if you do not speak the local language. Our Tenancy Management service takes care of this aspect of the property rental and assists with any difficulties that might arise.

Tenancy management

Moving is a stress-inducing ordeal for most people. Eres coordinates the pick-up, delivery, and unpacking of household goods. We prepare several proposals and ensure that you have the most competitive value-for-money service.


We are in the best position to help your employee when the international assignment comes to an end. We negotiate the terms for the return of the security deposit and assist with cancellation of the lease and other contracts. We can also coordinate the cleaning and repairs in the property.

Advanced payments
Advanced Payments

Quick and hassle-free transfer of payments is increasingly necessary for cases with tight deadlines. By expediting payments on your behalf to local providers, we remove the risk of delays or breakdowns in the relocation timeline.

Advanced payments
Additional relocation services
Additional relocation services

We think about the whole experience for the expatriate and offer comprehensive support services like helping a spouse in their job search or providing help with the lease or purchase of a vehicle. You only have to tell us what you need.

Additional relocation services
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